Sierra Vista Mentoring Program

Sierra Vista Mentoring Program brings mentors, students, educators, businesses, community leaders, and community-based organizations together. It empowers them with the knowledge, skills, and training necessary to create a culture of mentoring in our community through becoming our youth’s mentors, advocates, and supporters. Our mentoring program works with six elementary schools in the Modesto City Schools District.
Our dedicated volunteer mentors engage with their mentees for one hour per week at the mentee’s school. The primary objective is cultivating a positive relationship supporting the mentee’s social and academic growth, thereby enhancing their overall school experience. Having a mentor significantly enhances a student’s potential for success by providing committed, supportive, and positive role models who believe in them.
Services Provided
School-Based Mentoring Program
School-Based Mentoring matches students with trained adult mentors who meet for one hour weekly at the school campus. The commitment lasts at least one academic year. Supervised by trained staff, the program provides activities and a safe meeting place for mentors and mentees. Its aim is to foster positive relationships that support students’ social, academic development, and improve their overall school experience.
Training and Workshops
We provide individuals and programs that are interested in mentoring or want to be mentors, such as parents/guardians, coaches, staff, and business & community leaders with the appropriate training needed to be an effective and empowered mentor, so they have the greatest positive impact possible!
Technical Assistance
We provide technical assistance to those organizations that currently have a mentoring program, but may need additional support and/or resources, to organizations who are interested in starting a mentoring program, but do not know how to get started, or meet with the organization’s leadership to develop a path to a successful mentoring program.
Fingerprinting And Mentor Applicant Screening
We provide mentor fingerprinting and screening services to existing and future mentoring programs. At the heart of any mentoring program is the care and safety of the youth served. The Mentoring Program provides the most comprehensive fingerprinting and screening process available. Each mentoring organization will have access to these services by appointment and a set schedule of days and times.
Sierra Vista Mentoring Program
Student Eligibility: Mentees are referred by their teacher.
Cost: There is no cost to families or students.
Mentor Cost: There is no cost to the mentors.
- 100 Poplar Ave.
- Modesto, CA 95354
- f. 209-550-5866
- p. 209-523-4573