Foster Care & Adoption

We need your help to provide loving homes for children who need safety, stability, and support. As a Resource Parent, you can provide temporary care for children until they can safely reunify with their birth families or become a forever home for children who are open for adoption.

Becoming a Resource Parent requires you to meet specific criteria to ensure you can provide a safe home for children. This commitment will give you the opportunity to change a child’s life, and Sierra Vista will be your support system as you navigate this process. We provide you with the training necessary to understand the needs of children in foster care and how to work toward their healing.

Foster Care & Adoption Program

Eligibility: Children ages 0-21 are referred through social services and other counties.

Cost: Costs are paid by the referring county.

This program is licensed by the State of California Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing Division.

Becoming a Resource or Adoptive Parent

Becoming a Resource or Adoptive Parent involves a thorough process that ensures the safety and well-being of children. The following are the steps that one needs to take to become a Resource or Adoptive Parent:

  • Submit an application
  • Complete a background check and receive a clearance
  • Attend orientation
  • Complete 12 hours of pre-approval training
  • Mandated Reporter Training
  • CPR and First Aid certification
  • Submit required paperwork
  • Have your home assessed for safety and compliance with regulations
  • Meet with a social worker who will complete a home study report about your family

Once these steps are successfully completed you can be approved as a Resource Parent. The process may take several months to complete, but it ensures that children are placed in safe and loving homes.

Potential Resource Family Forms

Below are the preapproval forms that need to be completed and submitted during the process of becoming an Approved Resource Family. Please contact the Resource Family Approval Specialist as needed with questions or more information at (209)491-0872. All completed forms may be emailed to

Preapproval Forms

Resource Family Approval Checklist

Applicants can use this form to track progress in completing the necessary paperwork and tasks through the approval process.

Lista de Verificación para Aprobación de Familia de Recurso

Applicants can use this form to track progress in completing the necessary paperwork and tasks through the approval process.

Annual Walk-Through

Sierra Vista staff will complete this with you, but you may use this form to begin preparing your home for your Home Assessment.

Health Screening

Each Applicant must complete and submit.

Floor Plan & Emergency Plan Instructions

Instructions for creating a floor plan, identifying emergency shut-off valves, exits, etc. This must be maintained and up to date in your home to be used in the event of an emergency.

Instrucciones Para Completar Plano de Hogar y Plan de Emergencia

Instructions for creating a floor plan, identifying emergency shut-off valves, exits, etc. This must be maintained and up to date in your home to be used in the event of an emergency.

Criminal Record Statement

Each individual 18 years and older in the home needs to complete and submit.

Declaración Sobre Antecedentes Penales

Each individual 18 years and older in the home needs to complete and submit.

Employment Verification

Each Applicant must complete and submit.

Code of Ethics Policy

Each Applicant will review and submit.

Código de Ética

Each Applicant will review and submit.

Foster Youth Personal Rights

Each Applicant will review and submit.

Admission Policy and Procedures

Each Applicant will review and submit.

Procedimiento y Póliza de Admisión

Each Applicant will review and submit.

Noncorporal Punishment & Nondiscrimination Agreement

Each Applicant will sign both sections and submit.

Acuerdo de Castigos No-Corporales y Acuerdo de No-Discriminación

Each Applicant will sign both sections and submit.

Mandated Reporting Obligations

Each Applicant will sign and submit.

Obligación de Reportar Abuso

Each Applicant will sign and submit.